Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A new addition

I got a call from Tony today saying that he was approved to receive a service dog from St Francis Service Dogs. He was really excited, and I am too. I couldn't help but break into tears when he called. But by the time I made it back to my classroom, I was in tears for a different reason. This is a big reality check.

I obviously know my husband has ALS, and it is really never out of my mind, but it is still very abstract. This is one of those things that puts in right in front of my face again.

I realize that I already wrote a post like this... but I guess that just shows this pattern in my life!

Monday, March 12, 2012


It was totally amazing! We had a really great experience at the Virginia Skydiving Center, and met some really great people. We also had a great group of friends with us... my sister came (but didn't jump), her boyfriend Aaron, one of Tony's brother rats Melissa, and one of the strength training coaches from VMI, Coach Jim Whitten... Aaron and Jim were definitely the most scared! See photo evidence below...

We had a great lesson before from Melissa's friend John, the we headed to the plane...

During the ride up, I just kept trying to relax and enjoy it. I was wearing an altimeter, so I could check our altitude as we steadily climbed to 13,000 ft. When the door opened, we scooted towards it and I had the very unusual experience of hanging my legs out of a plane! Freefall was a little intense... kind of like feeling like your face was getting ripped off... but at 120 mph, that is no surprise! I think it was a bit overstimulating for me... maybe on the 2nd or 3rd jump I could appreciate it a little more!
After the parachute deployed we had a lovely float down to earth. The day was absolutely beautiful. I got to steer the parachute a bit and we did a few spins.
The whole thing was great! I am so glad we did it...

When we will go back?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A big jump

We have been on a bit of a roller coaster it seems. With our situation, we are bound to have low moments, and I know we both have our share. But we also have some great moments, and the last two weeks seem full of both of those. The good moments are easier to talk about... we have started making podcasts of discussions we have about various things, primarily for our girls; we had a really positive visit from the director of the St. Francis Service Dogs; we got to spend some time with Tony's brother, Martin; plus there are always great moments in our time together as a family.

The low moments are... having a contractor in to estimate for making the house wheelchair accessible; having the service dog lady in goes both ways; having those great moments as family and realizing they won't last forever; breaking into tears talking about our first date and thinking about how much we love each other in our first podcast... sometimes things are good and bad all at the same time.

These things are normal, and I guess we just need to accept them and move on. We are definitely going to have low moments, we just can't let them take over... we just have to enjoy the great moments that much more!

This weekend should be a really great moment. We are heading to Orange, Virginia for a parachute jump. It is one of the things on Tony's list... so we are going. I try not to think about us being irresponsible by both jumping at the same time when we have small children! I think it will be lots of fun and I am glad we have some friends and family coming with us.

Am I a little scared? Actually, not really.... that might change on Saturday though! Wish me luck!