Friday, April 27, 2012

A rough week...

This has been a rough week. I think it has been a lot of little things that have added up to make me feel totally exhausted and worn out by Friday morning.
  • It's the week before prom, so the kids are a little worked up
  • Louise got properly sick for the first time... a double ear infection, which meant I needed to leave school early on Wednesday and get her to the doctor. It's always harder to not be at school than to be here and leaving in the middle of the day is stressful. It had to be done, and I don't want to sound like I regret it, but it was hard. 
  • Louise managed to get me sick, and today I feel and sound like a croaking turtle (I assume). 
  • We have had a bit of an emotional rollercoaster this week. That's always hard
  • I dropped my phone yesterday and it stopped working. The stupid phone company has been less than helpful about a reasonable replacement for it. 
  • there's probably something else... I just can't remember. 
However, Tony totally made my month. After receiving a message from an ALS patient who has lived 20 years with the disease, Tony said "fuck ALS." It's not the first time he has said something like that, but it was exactly what I needed to hear. I am so proud of him, and I can't wait to continue to make many plans for the future and concoct weird things to feed him in order to do that. I absolutely refuse to assume the worst...

"If you fixate on the worst case scenario and it actually happens, you've lived it twice." - Michael J Fox

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