Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pay It Forward

On Tuesday, Tony and I went to Johns Hopkins for his ALS clinic. When we get off the elevators on the 5th floor, we walk right past the children's waiting area for the Neurology and Orthopedic areas. We admittedly have a lot going on, and life is not so easy... but walking by those children and their families almost always makes me cry. We have a lot going on, but it seems nothing in comparison to what they are dealing with. We are so lucky to have two wonderful daughters who are so healthy. I try never to forget that.

So Tony has started a new habit... whenever we go to Hopkins, we put a wristband and $50 in a thank you card, and write a little note in it. Then he gives it to one of those families in the children's waiting area.

This Tuesday was the second time he did it, and the first time I did it. As we were waiting to be called back, I saw a father pushing a little girl who had casts on both legs and seemed to have a cognitive disability. I nudged Tony, and he suggested I give them the envelope. I couldn't do it though. Just seeing them is hard enough for me... I couldn't bring myself to hand over that envelope without becoming a blubbering mess.

When we had finished with Tony's appointments, I got the envelope out and gave it to Jake in preparation for handing it over to someone. Then the same family walked out of a door in front of us. Tony called out to them, and sent Jake to deliver the envelope. They accepted it without opening it and continued on. I was at the back with my head down avoiding the whole thing.

A few minutes later, the family chased us down to thank us. I could still barely speak to them without being overcome with emotion.

What we did wasn't that much... but I truly hope it helps them a little. We have been so fortunate in the support we have received in so many ways... I am so happy to  pass a little along. And I consider us incredibly lucky, even with ALS.

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