Thursday, February 9, 2012


At the (nearly) end of the week, I find myself thinking about all that has happened in the last few days. We had an amazing trip to Georgia, my cute husband (with cameo by me) made the local news, and we were approached with another fundraising opportunity for our family. If you do not already know, I am a teacher at Rockbridge County High School. Yesterday, one of Mrs Sherman's leadership classes approached me about making our family the beneficiary of their yearly fund raiser. They sell lunches at school, and are hoping to expand to W&L this year as well. They were full of ideas about decorations, messages about ALS and other ways to raise funds. It was so amazing to see these students work so selflessly, and even more amazing because they are doing it for my family. Tony has said this before, but we have been so overwhelmed by the things people have done for us. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful support.

But that of course brings me back to the reason behind all this. My husband is an amazing guy and he deserves the opportunity to do amazing things. We once watched a video made by Scottish comedian Billy Connolly where he traveled around New Zealand doing comedy shows and showcasing the sites and scenes of the country. At the time, I remember thinking that my biggest wish for Tony is that he could have a job like that someday. That he would be able to travel around doing something he really loves and be able to make a living at the same time. And I realize that that has almost come true. He is getting to do amazing things, and he is getting a lot of attention while doing it. I only wish it was just because he is an awesome guy... not because he has ALS. Either way, I am so glad he is getting to do these things... and so glad that I get to go along for some of them!

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